Getting married in Ronda
When you plan on getting married in Spain, Ronda may be a great choice for many reasons.
Away from the beach weddings or the luxury resorts, you can also pick a more rural and Spanish setting, like the one of The Lodge in Ronda, a bit inland from the beaches of Cosa del Sol.
In just about 40 minutes, you can get away from the busy Spanish coast and arrive in a completely different setting. And one that I truly love. Away from Marbella’s glam and busy party scene, with incredible countryside views, Ronda is a bit of a gem. So when one day I got contacted by Debbie, who was planning her wedding in The lodge, I was immediately on board. I have shot weddings in that venue before, so I knew it would be a good one. It soon turned out, I had more in common with the bride and groom than just the love of the Spanish countryside as Barry, the groom, and a professional football player, lived with Debbie in Poznan, Poland, where I studied ages ago.
The Lodge & Co.
The couple wanted to create a small gathering for their family and friends and decided on the venue’s management to help them plan it. When I saw other vendors picked by the bride and groom, I knew things should run smoothly as I’ve worked with them before and we all know how to give each other enough space to do what we’re there to do. A wedding is not a solo endeavor but a chance for team players to shine.
Wedding venue: The Lodge, Ronda
Makeup: Liza Mayne
Cake: Cake Couture Marbella
In love with the idea of getting married in Ronda? Check out another couple’s wedding in the same place.